M Must Be On 98C524A71FFA 240C19F3D794 AAE8020AB282 Infinite Funds 241A814B8FFF 0A6E7E102066 1st Position: Infinite HP 840E415BC53E Maximum HP., Fire Emblem Gameboy Advance. Download Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones ROM for Gameboy Advance(GBA) and Play Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones Video Game on your PC, Mac, Android or iOS device!
Alternate way to keep Jill
Character Unlocks
CH09-Mist-Automatically joins
Rolf-Automatically joins
Marcia-Talk with Ike
CH10-Lethe-Automatically joins
Mordecai-Automatically joins
Volke-allow him to join your team at the start of the Chapter
Nephenee-Talk with Ike
Brom-Talk with Ike
Kieran-Talk with Oscar
CH11-Talk with Mordecai
CH12-Sothe-Allow him to join your team
Jill-Talk with Ike
CH13-Astrid-Talk with Ike
Gatrie-Talk with Astrid
CH14-Makalov-Talk with Marcia
CH15-Stefan-Move either Lethe of MOrdicai to the Varg Katti space
Muarim-Clear the Chapter
Tormod-Clear the Chapter
CH16-Devdon-Talk with Soren
CH18-Reyson-Go to the First Report, complete Chapter 17, and Accept his halp in Chapter 18
Janaff-Automatically joins
Ulki-Automatically joins
Tanith-Automatically joins
Shinon-19, talk with Lofa in Chapter 18, then kill him with Ike (my friend could be wrong)
CH20-Calill-Go to 'Mysterious Girl' report before doing the Chapter
CH21-Tauroneo-Talk with Ike, Mist, or Soren
CH23-Ranulf-Automatically joins (finally)
Haar-Talk with Jill
CH24-Lucia-Automatically joins
Bastian-Automatically joins
Geoffrey-Must survive Chapter 24, will join on Chapter 25
CH25-Largo-Go to the 'Mysterious Man' Report before the Chapter
CH26-Elincia-Automatically joins
CH28-Nasir-Will join automatically if you do not defeat the Black Knight in Chapter 27
CH29-Tibarn, Naesala, and Giffca-Choose all of them during the beginning of the Final Chapter. | Submitted by Hunter
In-game reset
Lose Shinon and Gatrie
Sound Room option
Theater option
Triangle attack
View chapter dialogue
View game script
You can submit new cheats for this game and help our users gain an edge.Print This Page |
- Cheats |
- Unlockables |
- Hints |
- Easter Eggs |
- Glitches |
Get the latest Fire Emblem cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Game Boy Advance (GBA). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play!
Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Game Boy Advance cheats we have available for Fire Emblem.
Karla The Swordmaster
Karla is a Lv. 5 swordmaster that you can only get in Hector's campaign. In the chapter Crazed Beast, send Guy to the village to the south of the Bishop. Karla is in the village. She is Karel's brother, and you don't have Karel yet. In chapter 30x, have Bartre as a Lv. 5 or above warrior. Send him to the arena, and, if neither of them die, she joins your party. Give Bartre an Iron Rune, because Karla has a Wo Dao, and will get a critical otherwise.
Third Ocean Seal
The first two Ocean seals I had no idea existed, but in level 30, Victory or Death, there is a secret shop behind Limstella. It is surrounded by thickets, so you have to use Heath or another flier to get it, but make sure they have a delphi shield (lv. 26), because there's a manned ballista. Take him out, or you are DOOMED. The shop has Earth seals, ($20,000? ) Fell contracts, ($40,000), Ocean seals, ($50,000) and an assortment of staves. Get a Silver card and you won't have any trouble.
Secret Characters
After completing the final chapter, go to extrasand click map. Choose a finished game. Completethe Tower of Valni, Lagdou Ruins, or monsterskirmishes to earn secret characters. Thosecharacters are Glen, Selena, Valter, Riev,Caellach, Fado, Ismaire, Hayden, Orson, andLyon. They are all very powerful and carrystrong weapons. THey can be leveled up easily byfighting strong enemy units.
Ocean Seals
Ocean Seals are probably the least known andhardest to find seals in the whole game. Theyturn pirates into Berserkers. There are only 2ways to get an Ocean Seal. There's one floatingaround somewhere in the sand in Nabata. Thisone's pretty hard to find but it's free. Theother is in a secret shop. This secret shop isin chapter 23 but only when you're fightingLinus. To open this chapter you must have 2lords at level 20 and one at at least level 10.Then you have to have the member card which canbe obtained in chapter 20. The secret shop is inthe woods on the farthest east island on themap. To buy an Ocean Seal costs 50000 gold.Fortunately there's an arena in the town so youcan get money there to buy the seal.
Get Vaida's Super Spear
In mission 24, when you must fight Vaida who ispowered by Nergal, if you use the mine cheat, youcan control her. Move her down to the shaman andtrade her spear to him for the luna. Then killthat shaman to get Vaida's supercharged spear. Ifyou give this spear to any unit they will get thepower bonus Vaida was getting from Nergal.
Control Enemy Units
To control all enemy units that have not movedyet, move a weak character by someone who willattack them. Then lay a mine so that the enemyhas to step on it to attack. Once the enemy stepson the mine and gets damaged, reset the game andchoose resume chapter. All of the enemies thathave not moved are now under your control. Eventhe bosses. Only reinforcements that come laterwill be free from your control, so you basicallywin the level easy.
Gba Fire Emblem Cheat Codes
Kill The Dragon
The dragon that you fight in the end has 120 HPand does a good amount of damage to anyone. Theeasiest way to kill it is to use eclipse. If ithits its health will fall to 60 making your jobmuch easier. Otherwise keep using Hector's Armadsand healing him if he gets injured. Once thedragon's health is low enough, use Eliwood killhim with Durandal.
Beat Nergal
In The final chapter after you kill all of theother units, you will have to fight Nergal. Youcan kill him easy if you use Athos' Aureola andHector's Armads. You will probably need a physicstaff to heal your units if they get hurtfighting him.
Skip Things
At the beginning of all chapters, there is ascene explaining what the chapter is about. Ifyou've already seen it or don't care, pressSTART to skip it. You can also do this with anyscene or to make someone stop talking.
Beat Level 27 Boss Easy
In level 27 the boss will either be Lloyd aSwordmaster or Linus a Hero. Both have an itemthat blocks criticals, and they do a lot ofdamage and rarely miss. But, if you've been usingPent and he is above level 10 and has an Elfire,then send him up to the boss alone. Make surethat no one else can get attacked by the boss,because they will probably die. Then have Pentattack the boss, he will have a 85%+ hit rate,and do 10+ damage. But the boss will have about a40% hit rate and do almost no damage and nocritical. Just drain his health with Pent andhave someone else kill him if you want exp.
Pegasus Triangle Attack
This is a special attack that can only bepreformed in Hector's route. To do it you needthe pegasus knight sisters: Florina, Fiora andFarina to surround one enemy. Then have one ofthem attack the enemy. The attack has a specialanimation sequence with 100% hit rate and 100%critical every time you use it.
Items In Hiding
I bet that most of you didnt have patience enuffto look for hidden secrets throughout the game.One secret for instances would be the many hiddenitems in chapter 22> the Living Legend. There areseven hidden items floating around in the sandwhich include: A Luna, an Ocean Seal, a bodyring, Filla's Might, an Eclipse, a Light Rune,and a Hero Crest. To collect these items, justwait on a spot for an item for one turn, if anitem is there, it will alert you. Matthew willhave to dig them up.
Get Hawkeye
In the desert in chapter 22, a berserker willappear after a few turns or so. He will startattacking your enemies along with Pent (you can'tget him yet). Have one of people (I suggestEliwood)talk to him and he will join you. It is apretty good idea to recruit him because he is sopowerful.
Easy Level Ups
During the game, have your weaker charaters beatthe boss of the chapter and they will level up 1level. You might want your lords to this, so atlevel 20 you can up-grade them to there new form.
Eliwood The Knightlord
Hope you used the first two heaven's seals on Lynand Hector because at the end of chapter 27,Athos will only upgrade Eliwood using the lastheaven's seal regardless of his level. Oncebecoming a knightlord, Eliwood will be able touse lances.
Pent And Louise
In the beginning of chapter 24, Pent and Louisejoin you. Be careful. If you lose Pent, you willlose Louise too. It is the same thing for Louise.
Changing Scenery
There are 2 chapters in the game when the map will look different, Ch. 23 and Ch. 25. These maps will change to give you different characters. In Ch. 23 you could get either Wallace or Dart's friend Gietz. In Ch. 25 you could get either Karel or Harken. While getting Harken or Karel doesn't matter on the map, getting Gietz or Wallace does. The objective must be to defeat Lloyd to get Wallace, or defeat Linus to get Gietz.
Get Rath
In chapter 21, after the first or 2 turns pass,rath and 2 of his men will arive and assist you.Simply have Lyn talk to Rath and he will joinyour team. Make sure you get to him before he iskilled, if not you can't get him for the rest ofthe game.
Get Wallace
In Chapter 22, Wallace will be roaming arounddefeating black fang. Just have Lyn go up to himand talk then he'll join your team. Wallace is aGeneral so it would be a good idea to get himbecause of his high defensive power.
The Sound Room
After competeing a majority of the game, you'llget the 'Sound Room' under extras. In here you'llbe able to listen to songs you unlocked and thepictures you've unlocked during your adventure.
Karel Of The Plains
In chapter 26, some things change for some reason.Like the map andthe boss you fight. If you fightthe boss that is a bishop, a NPC will appear (he'sgreen). Have a lord talk to him. He is a level 8blademaster.
Talk With Hector
During chapter 7, when you have to save Ninian,you'll notice a house by the castle Heintz isguarding. Have Matthew enter it first and hewill engage in a conversation with Lord Hector ofOstia, however Hector won't join the teamthough. Afterward have Serra enter the house tosee a comedic scene. After you've done this,Hector will say his normal lines.
Hector The Greatlord
After you save the prince in chapter 26, theQueen will give you the second Heaven seal. Ifyou used the first one on Hector and it willupgrade him to a Great Lord. He will be able touse swords.
Get Farina
In Hector's story there is a chapter calledCrazed Beast. A few rounds in to the battle a PegKnight will appear. Position Hector on the areaof land closest to her at the bottom and wait.There is no threat from enemies. The enemiesonland won't move unless you are close enough toattack. The enemy ballista are out of range. Theenemy Peg could fly down if they are still alive(they usually are'nt) but if Hector is abovelevel 10 this shouldn't be a problem. When Farinaflies over to talk to Hector you must have 20,000gold. If you do Hector will ask you if you wanther to join. Say yes because you can get anElysian whip from the village. Use it immediatelyas Farina is level 14. She will then be a FalcoKnight which can use swords and are extremelypowerful.
Earth Seal
To get the Earth Seal in chapter 24 in thebottom city you will get the earth seal. Theearth seal will evolve anyone over level 10.
Heaven Seals
There are only 3 heaven seals in the world. Theycan only evolve your lords to a more powrefulstate. Pent will have the first one, the queenwill have the second and the third is hidden somewhere. The first 2 you could give to Hector orLyndis, depending on who you like better, butEliwood can only use the last one .
Get Jaffar
In Chapter 26 Battle Before Dawn you protectthe prince of Bern. You will find Nino and Jaffarseperated with Ursula in between them. Enterthrough both entrences at the area where youstart out and go down to where Jaffar andNino are. Bring a lord (preferably yourstrongest) to talk to Nino and she will join yourside then have the lord rescue he and bringher to where you started. Then on the oppositeentrence that leads to Jaffar send 1 or 2Paladins down. Have one rescue Jaffar andbring him where Nino will talk with him and hewill join your side when you beat the Chapter.Then have the other Paladin kill-off theenemys that Jaffar was fighting.
Get Canas, The Shaman
In chapter 16x, go to the first of the locals inthe middle top. Then you will talk to Canasbecause he will want to go on the ship too, sohe will join your group.
Get Vaida
When you first encounter her in Chapter 24Unfulfilled Heart she is super powerful so it isbest to stay out of her way. Then when yourencounter her in Chaper 27 Cog Of Destinykeep 2 Snipers down where Merlinis is and aLord when the first 3 Wyvern Riders apper sheis the top one. Just talk to her with the lordand she will join and then kepp killing off theWyvern Riders that keep appering with Vaidaand the 2 Snipers.
Crests are things that will evolve a characterusually when they are levels 10 and up. So youshould get items that might be crests and evolvecharacters to higher stats. Like a Knight toGeneral.
Lyn The Bladelord
In the second saga, you will get a heaven'screst. Use it on Lyn (she must be at least lv.10).She will then transform into a Bladelord. https://gantflumelep1975.mystrikingly.com/blog/pokemon-trading-card-game-online-tokens-cheat. She canthen use bows.
Get Dart
Fire Emblem Gba Cheats
At 16x, when you are supposed to reach Fargus,you shouldn't beat Dart, he'll come back inanother chapter, maybe 18, and he will join yourgroup.
Harken The Hero
In Chapter 25, Harken a hero will enter and hewill be upset about Marquess Pharae's (Eliwood'sfather) death. Have Eliwood talk to Harken andhe'll join your army.
Need help beating the eerie puzzle game? This guide will give you step-by-step instructions on how to beat all the levels and chapters of The Room and The Room 2. Stuck on a level? The impossible game cheats for ipad. The adventure game is available on iOS and Android devices including iPhone, iPad, and iPod.
Jaffar The Assassin
In Ch. 26, after you get Nino, have one of yourriders (Kent, Sain, Lowen, Marcus, Pricilla) takeher to Jaffar. Before doing this make sure youhad people over help to protect him for hiskilling edge wont last long. When you get herthere, have Nino talk to Jaffar. He'll be upsetbecause she didn't leave, But at the end of theChapter he will join Eliwoods team.
Chronicles of narnia game boy cheats. All bonus levelsWhile the Bonus drawer is highlighted, hold L1 and press Down(2), Right(2), Down, Right, Up. Repeat the code to disable its effect. If you entered the code correctly, the message 'Cheat Activated' will appear.
Get Legault
In chapter 19, an enemy theif known as Legaultwill betray Black Fang. Have Lyn talk to Legaultand he will be persuaded to join your group.
Get Nino
In Chapter 26 you have to defend the prince ofBern. While doing this, have Lyn, Hector, orElimood talk to Nino. After a brief disscussionshe will join the team.
Trinity Of Magic
Like the weapons triangle the trinity of magic lets you have an advantage. Light beats dark, dark beats amine* and amine beats light. *Amine is Wind, Thunder, Fire, Water.
Getting Raven And Lucius
On chapter 16, the one where you regain Lyn'scastle you can get Raven the mercenary and alsohave the monk Lucius rejoin your party. To dothis bring Pricilla in the battle. Protect heruntil she reaches her long lost brother Raymond(Raven). Hopefully you do this before thesoliders escape or they might hurt him. LetPricilla talk to raven and get him on your team.Then let Raven talk to Lucius. They are greatcharacters to add to the team.
Weaken Stronger Bosses
An easy way to defeat strong bosses use indirectcombat before using Lyn or another directattack. In level 10 you can also pick up asteel bow for Wil and Rath. This helps a lotagainst final bosses.
Play As Hector As The Main Character
Beat Eliwood's Game and watch the entire ending.Then, save your game & then you can play asHector.
Mercenary Raven
Early in Eliwood's story, you will have a missionwhere you recapture Lyn's castle. A mercenarynamed Raven, (pointed out in a cut scene) is inactuality Priscila's brother. Have her talk tohim to convince him to join your cause.
Return To Game Fast
When you turn off the game and want to return to your game fast. First hold down start, select, A and B. Then let go of B. You will return to the last played game.
Get Merlinus
In order to get Merlinus, complete the side questthat comes after Ch. 13, the one where you mustprotect Merlinus for seven turns. If yousuccessfully complete the side quest, you'll getthe option to dispatch Merlinus, a merchant whowill store some of your items when you can'tcarry them. Just follow the instructions thatfollow after you get merlinus.
Side Quests
After you complete certain chapters, you'll havethe option to go on side quests. There, you'll beable to gain exp. points, items and new companions.
Get Guy
In Ch. 13, guard Matthew until he reaches aswordsman called Guy. Let him talk to Guy. Then,he'll join your side because he owes matthew hislife. He is a good swordsman. Note: If Guy iskilled by one of your men, you can't get him.Only Matthew is able to get Guy on your side.
Mordecai-Automatically joins
Volke-allow him to join your team at the start of the Chapter
Nephenee-Talk with Ike
Brom-Talk with Ike
Kieran-Talk with Oscar
CH11-Talk with Mordecai
CH12-Sothe-Allow him to join your team
Jill-Talk with Ike
CH13-Astrid-Talk with Ike
Gatrie-Talk with Astrid
CH14-Makalov-Talk with Marcia
CH15-Stefan-Move either Lethe of MOrdicai to the Varg Katti space
Muarim-Clear the Chapter
Tormod-Clear the Chapter
CH16-Devdon-Talk with Soren
CH18-Reyson-Go to the First Report, complete Chapter 17, and Accept his halp in Chapter 18
Janaff-Automatically joins
Ulki-Automatically joins
Tanith-Automatically joins
Shinon-19, talk with Lofa in Chapter 18, then kill him with Ike (my friend could be wrong)
CH20-Calill-Go to 'Mysterious Girl' report before doing the Chapter
CH21-Tauroneo-Talk with Ike, Mist, or Soren
CH23-Ranulf-Automatically joins (finally)
Haar-Talk with Jill
CH24-Lucia-Automatically joins
Bastian-Automatically joins
Geoffrey-Must survive Chapter 24, will join on Chapter 25
CH25-Largo-Go to the 'Mysterious Man' Report before the Chapter
CH26-Elincia-Automatically joins
CH28-Nasir-Will join automatically if you do not defeat the Black Knight in Chapter 27
CH29-Tibarn, Naesala, and Giffca-Choose all of them during the beginning of the Final Chapter. | Submitted by Hunter
In-game reset
Lose Shinon and Gatrie
Sound Room option
Theater option
Triangle attack
View chapter dialogue
View game script
You can submit new cheats for this game and help our users gain an edge.Print This Page |
- Cheats |
- Unlockables |
- Hints |
- Easter Eggs |
- Glitches |
Get the latest Fire Emblem cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Game Boy Advance (GBA). CheatCodes.com has all you need to win every game you play!
Use the above links or scroll down see all to the Game Boy Advance cheats we have available for Fire Emblem.
Karla The Swordmaster
Karla is a Lv. 5 swordmaster that you can only get in Hector's campaign. In the chapter Crazed Beast, send Guy to the village to the south of the Bishop. Karla is in the village. She is Karel's brother, and you don't have Karel yet. In chapter 30x, have Bartre as a Lv. 5 or above warrior. Send him to the arena, and, if neither of them die, she joins your party. Give Bartre an Iron Rune, because Karla has a Wo Dao, and will get a critical otherwise.
Third Ocean Seal
The first two Ocean seals I had no idea existed, but in level 30, Victory or Death, there is a secret shop behind Limstella. It is surrounded by thickets, so you have to use Heath or another flier to get it, but make sure they have a delphi shield (lv. 26), because there's a manned ballista. Take him out, or you are DOOMED. The shop has Earth seals, ($20,000? ) Fell contracts, ($40,000), Ocean seals, ($50,000) and an assortment of staves. Get a Silver card and you won't have any trouble.
Secret Characters
After completing the final chapter, go to extrasand click map. Choose a finished game. Completethe Tower of Valni, Lagdou Ruins, or monsterskirmishes to earn secret characters. Thosecharacters are Glen, Selena, Valter, Riev,Caellach, Fado, Ismaire, Hayden, Orson, andLyon. They are all very powerful and carrystrong weapons. THey can be leveled up easily byfighting strong enemy units.
Ocean Seals
Ocean Seals are probably the least known andhardest to find seals in the whole game. Theyturn pirates into Berserkers. There are only 2ways to get an Ocean Seal. There's one floatingaround somewhere in the sand in Nabata. Thisone's pretty hard to find but it's free. Theother is in a secret shop. This secret shop isin chapter 23 but only when you're fightingLinus. To open this chapter you must have 2lords at level 20 and one at at least level 10.Then you have to have the member card which canbe obtained in chapter 20. The secret shop is inthe woods on the farthest east island on themap. To buy an Ocean Seal costs 50000 gold.Fortunately there's an arena in the town so youcan get money there to buy the seal.
Get Vaida's Super Spear
In mission 24, when you must fight Vaida who ispowered by Nergal, if you use the mine cheat, youcan control her. Move her down to the shaman andtrade her spear to him for the luna. Then killthat shaman to get Vaida's supercharged spear. Ifyou give this spear to any unit they will get thepower bonus Vaida was getting from Nergal.
Control Enemy Units
To control all enemy units that have not movedyet, move a weak character by someone who willattack them. Then lay a mine so that the enemyhas to step on it to attack. Once the enemy stepson the mine and gets damaged, reset the game andchoose resume chapter. All of the enemies thathave not moved are now under your control. Eventhe bosses. Only reinforcements that come laterwill be free from your control, so you basicallywin the level easy.
Gba Fire Emblem Cheat Codes
Kill The Dragon
The dragon that you fight in the end has 120 HPand does a good amount of damage to anyone. Theeasiest way to kill it is to use eclipse. If ithits its health will fall to 60 making your jobmuch easier. Otherwise keep using Hector's Armadsand healing him if he gets injured. Once thedragon's health is low enough, use Eliwood killhim with Durandal.
Beat Nergal
In The final chapter after you kill all of theother units, you will have to fight Nergal. Youcan kill him easy if you use Athos' Aureola andHector's Armads. You will probably need a physicstaff to heal your units if they get hurtfighting him.
Skip Things
At the beginning of all chapters, there is ascene explaining what the chapter is about. Ifyou've already seen it or don't care, pressSTART to skip it. You can also do this with anyscene or to make someone stop talking.
Beat Level 27 Boss Easy
In level 27 the boss will either be Lloyd aSwordmaster or Linus a Hero. Both have an itemthat blocks criticals, and they do a lot ofdamage and rarely miss. But, if you've been usingPent and he is above level 10 and has an Elfire,then send him up to the boss alone. Make surethat no one else can get attacked by the boss,because they will probably die. Then have Pentattack the boss, he will have a 85%+ hit rate,and do 10+ damage. But the boss will have about a40% hit rate and do almost no damage and nocritical. Just drain his health with Pent andhave someone else kill him if you want exp.
Pegasus Triangle Attack
This is a special attack that can only bepreformed in Hector's route. To do it you needthe pegasus knight sisters: Florina, Fiora andFarina to surround one enemy. Then have one ofthem attack the enemy. The attack has a specialanimation sequence with 100% hit rate and 100%critical every time you use it.
Items In Hiding
I bet that most of you didnt have patience enuffto look for hidden secrets throughout the game.One secret for instances would be the many hiddenitems in chapter 22> the Living Legend. There areseven hidden items floating around in the sandwhich include: A Luna, an Ocean Seal, a bodyring, Filla's Might, an Eclipse, a Light Rune,and a Hero Crest. To collect these items, justwait on a spot for an item for one turn, if anitem is there, it will alert you. Matthew willhave to dig them up.
Get Hawkeye
In the desert in chapter 22, a berserker willappear after a few turns or so. He will startattacking your enemies along with Pent (you can'tget him yet). Have one of people (I suggestEliwood)talk to him and he will join you. It is apretty good idea to recruit him because he is sopowerful.
Easy Level Ups
During the game, have your weaker charaters beatthe boss of the chapter and they will level up 1level. You might want your lords to this, so atlevel 20 you can up-grade them to there new form.
Eliwood The Knightlord
Hope you used the first two heaven's seals on Lynand Hector because at the end of chapter 27,Athos will only upgrade Eliwood using the lastheaven's seal regardless of his level. Oncebecoming a knightlord, Eliwood will be able touse lances.
Pent And Louise
In the beginning of chapter 24, Pent and Louisejoin you. Be careful. If you lose Pent, you willlose Louise too. It is the same thing for Louise.
Changing Scenery
There are 2 chapters in the game when the map will look different, Ch. 23 and Ch. 25. These maps will change to give you different characters. In Ch. 23 you could get either Wallace or Dart's friend Gietz. In Ch. 25 you could get either Karel or Harken. While getting Harken or Karel doesn't matter on the map, getting Gietz or Wallace does. The objective must be to defeat Lloyd to get Wallace, or defeat Linus to get Gietz.
Get Rath
In chapter 21, after the first or 2 turns pass,rath and 2 of his men will arive and assist you.Simply have Lyn talk to Rath and he will joinyour team. Make sure you get to him before he iskilled, if not you can't get him for the rest ofthe game.
Get Wallace
In Chapter 22, Wallace will be roaming arounddefeating black fang. Just have Lyn go up to himand talk then he'll join your team. Wallace is aGeneral so it would be a good idea to get himbecause of his high defensive power.
The Sound Room
After competeing a majority of the game, you'llget the 'Sound Room' under extras. In here you'llbe able to listen to songs you unlocked and thepictures you've unlocked during your adventure.
Karel Of The Plains
In chapter 26, some things change for some reason.Like the map andthe boss you fight. If you fightthe boss that is a bishop, a NPC will appear (he'sgreen). Have a lord talk to him. He is a level 8blademaster.
Talk With Hector
During chapter 7, when you have to save Ninian,you'll notice a house by the castle Heintz isguarding. Have Matthew enter it first and hewill engage in a conversation with Lord Hector ofOstia, however Hector won't join the teamthough. Afterward have Serra enter the house tosee a comedic scene. After you've done this,Hector will say his normal lines.
Hector The Greatlord
After you save the prince in chapter 26, theQueen will give you the second Heaven seal. Ifyou used the first one on Hector and it willupgrade him to a Great Lord. He will be able touse swords.
Get Farina
In Hector's story there is a chapter calledCrazed Beast. A few rounds in to the battle a PegKnight will appear. Position Hector on the areaof land closest to her at the bottom and wait.There is no threat from enemies. The enemiesonland won't move unless you are close enough toattack. The enemy ballista are out of range. Theenemy Peg could fly down if they are still alive(they usually are'nt) but if Hector is abovelevel 10 this shouldn't be a problem. When Farinaflies over to talk to Hector you must have 20,000gold. If you do Hector will ask you if you wanther to join. Say yes because you can get anElysian whip from the village. Use it immediatelyas Farina is level 14. She will then be a FalcoKnight which can use swords and are extremelypowerful.
Earth Seal
To get the Earth Seal in chapter 24 in thebottom city you will get the earth seal. Theearth seal will evolve anyone over level 10.
Heaven Seals
There are only 3 heaven seals in the world. Theycan only evolve your lords to a more powrefulstate. Pent will have the first one, the queenwill have the second and the third is hidden somewhere. The first 2 you could give to Hector orLyndis, depending on who you like better, butEliwood can only use the last one .
Get Jaffar
In Chapter 26 Battle Before Dawn you protectthe prince of Bern. You will find Nino and Jaffarseperated with Ursula in between them. Enterthrough both entrences at the area where youstart out and go down to where Jaffar andNino are. Bring a lord (preferably yourstrongest) to talk to Nino and she will join yourside then have the lord rescue he and bringher to where you started. Then on the oppositeentrence that leads to Jaffar send 1 or 2Paladins down. Have one rescue Jaffar andbring him where Nino will talk with him and hewill join your side when you beat the Chapter.Then have the other Paladin kill-off theenemys that Jaffar was fighting.
Get Canas, The Shaman
In chapter 16x, go to the first of the locals inthe middle top. Then you will talk to Canasbecause he will want to go on the ship too, sohe will join your group.
Get Vaida
When you first encounter her in Chapter 24Unfulfilled Heart she is super powerful so it isbest to stay out of her way. Then when yourencounter her in Chaper 27 Cog Of Destinykeep 2 Snipers down where Merlinis is and aLord when the first 3 Wyvern Riders apper sheis the top one. Just talk to her with the lordand she will join and then kepp killing off theWyvern Riders that keep appering with Vaidaand the 2 Snipers.
Crests are things that will evolve a characterusually when they are levels 10 and up. So youshould get items that might be crests and evolvecharacters to higher stats. Like a Knight toGeneral.
Lyn The Bladelord
In the second saga, you will get a heaven'screst. Use it on Lyn (she must be at least lv.10).She will then transform into a Bladelord. https://gantflumelep1975.mystrikingly.com/blog/pokemon-trading-card-game-online-tokens-cheat. She canthen use bows.
Get Dart
Fire Emblem Gba Cheats
At 16x, when you are supposed to reach Fargus,you shouldn't beat Dart, he'll come back inanother chapter, maybe 18, and he will join yourgroup.
Harken The Hero
In Chapter 25, Harken a hero will enter and hewill be upset about Marquess Pharae's (Eliwood'sfather) death. Have Eliwood talk to Harken andhe'll join your army.
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Jaffar The Assassin
In Ch. 26, after you get Nino, have one of yourriders (Kent, Sain, Lowen, Marcus, Pricilla) takeher to Jaffar. Before doing this make sure youhad people over help to protect him for hiskilling edge wont last long. When you get herthere, have Nino talk to Jaffar. He'll be upsetbecause she didn't leave, But at the end of theChapter he will join Eliwoods team.
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Get Legault
In chapter 19, an enemy theif known as Legaultwill betray Black Fang. Have Lyn talk to Legaultand he will be persuaded to join your group.
Get Nino
In Chapter 26 you have to defend the prince ofBern. While doing this, have Lyn, Hector, orElimood talk to Nino. After a brief disscussionshe will join the team.
Trinity Of Magic
Like the weapons triangle the trinity of magic lets you have an advantage. Light beats dark, dark beats amine* and amine beats light. *Amine is Wind, Thunder, Fire, Water.
Getting Raven And Lucius
On chapter 16, the one where you regain Lyn'scastle you can get Raven the mercenary and alsohave the monk Lucius rejoin your party. To dothis bring Pricilla in the battle. Protect heruntil she reaches her long lost brother Raymond(Raven). Hopefully you do this before thesoliders escape or they might hurt him. LetPricilla talk to raven and get him on your team.Then let Raven talk to Lucius. They are greatcharacters to add to the team.
Weaken Stronger Bosses
An easy way to defeat strong bosses use indirectcombat before using Lyn or another directattack. In level 10 you can also pick up asteel bow for Wil and Rath. This helps a lotagainst final bosses.
Play As Hector As The Main Character
Beat Eliwood's Game and watch the entire ending.Then, save your game & then you can play asHector.
Mercenary Raven
Early in Eliwood's story, you will have a missionwhere you recapture Lyn's castle. A mercenarynamed Raven, (pointed out in a cut scene) is inactuality Priscila's brother. Have her talk tohim to convince him to join your cause.
Return To Game Fast
When you turn off the game and want to return to your game fast. First hold down start, select, A and B. Then let go of B. You will return to the last played game.
Get Merlinus
In order to get Merlinus, complete the side questthat comes after Ch. 13, the one where you mustprotect Merlinus for seven turns. If yousuccessfully complete the side quest, you'll getthe option to dispatch Merlinus, a merchant whowill store some of your items when you can'tcarry them. Just follow the instructions thatfollow after you get merlinus.
Side Quests
After you complete certain chapters, you'll havethe option to go on side quests. There, you'll beable to gain exp. points, items and new companions.
Get Guy
In Ch. 13, guard Matthew until he reaches aswordsman called Guy. Let him talk to Guy. Then,he'll join your side because he owes matthew hislife. He is a good swordsman. Note: If Guy iskilled by one of your men, you can't get him.Only Matthew is able to get Guy on your side.
The Saga Continues
After Lyn seizes the throne from Lord Lundgrenyou will start a new journey with Eliwood.
Weapon Advantage
In the game there is a weapon triangle. Thetriangle is axes are stronger than lances, lancesare stronger than swords and swords are strongerthan axes. Using this method will defeat youropponents quicker and easier.
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Created by: PM11.Read the full guide..